Course Outline

"Market Analysis" is a fundamental online course that will help you gain valuable insights into your market dynamics. Throughout this course, we will provide practical exercises, real-world examples, and expert guidance to help you master the art of market analysis. Whether you are a startup, a student or an established company looking for new markets, the skills you acquire here will be invaluable in understanding your market and competitive environment, and positioning your business for success. At WorldStartup we define a successful business as one that creates impact by solving local or global challenges. That is why in this course we highlight the role and importance of change agents—individuals or entities that drive positive change within communities. Which change agents will help you accelerate the change you want to see in the world?

By the end of this course

You are well-equipped to segment your market based on the research you have done, leading to in-depth knowledge of the market segments that are relevant for you.

You are able to identify the most promising market segment, based on the overview of market segments you researched and the step by step approach shared in this course.

You have a better understanding of your competition and are equipped to choose a unique position in the market.

Why is market analysis important for changemakers?

Your customer is not “everyone”. To effectively reach your audience, you must be specific about who you are communicating with. This is where a market analysis and market segmentation strategy is essential. It is instrumental for changemakers in identifying and targeting segments where they can create the most impact.

Who is this suitable for?

Startups often need to identify their initial market segments and target customers accurately. This course will help them position their new products or services effectively to maximise market entry success.They learn how to identify and leverage change agents and solve global challenges through innovative products and services. The course will guide them on how to align their market strategies with broader impact goals.

Established companies seeking to expand into new markets can benefit from understanding how to segment these new markets, identify target customers, and position their offerings to meet local needs. The course will provide insights on assessing and entering new market segments, and on using change agents to facilitate smoother entry and acceptance in these markets. They can expand into new markets with solutions that address local and global challenges, contributing to societal and environmental benefits while achieving business growth.

Students can gain practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios involving market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. The course equips students with a strong foundation in market analysis, preparing them for careers in marketing, product management, business strategy, and related fields. It also enhances their understanding of how to leverage influencers and change agents to drive market success. They will learn to approach market analysis with a mindset geared towards creating positive change, understanding how businesses can address global challenges through strategic marketing and positioning.

Benefits of Implementing Market Analysis



Through detailed market analysis, changemakers  can learn to make data-driven decisions regarding which market segments to target and how to position products effectively within those segments. This reduces uncertainty and increases the likelihood of successful marketing strategies.

Understanding Customer Needs

This course will help changemakers to analyse market trends and customer feedback to understand the distinct needs and preferences of different customer groups. This understanding is crucial for tailoring marketing efforts and product offerings to better meet the expectations of each segment.

Identifying Market Opportunities

By identifying new and emerging market segments through market analysis, changemakers recognise opportunities for impact. This skill is essential for finding underserved or niche markets that represent new potential for business expansion.

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